Computer science Lesson Plan
Class: 6th to 8th - Lesson:35.2 Functions(User-defined)

Purpose: To teach User-defined functions. Students will learn the use of functions .

No. of Classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision)

Materials Required

Computer, Internet connection.

Prior knowledge

Students should know about directions (Left, Right, forward and backward) and basic programming.




  • Link to view solution for exercise-1.
  • Link to view solution for exercise-2.
  • Link to view solution for exercise-3.
  • Link to view solution for exercise-4.
  • Link to view solution for exercise-5.

  • Teacher's Instruction
    1. Teachers can help the Students complete these levels if they struggle.
    2. Teachers should give their own creative activity to help children understand per-defined functions.
    3. Teachers can explain the 8th level video if the students are not able to understand either the concept of user-defined functions or the content of the video. (In> course E--> level-8.).